My aunt recently came to visit & I thought it would be a great idea to make her a necklace that she would like. In return, she insisted that she give me a gift. So I chose a new bead tower! I can never have too many towers. I have endless boxes of beads that are hard to access if not in those tiny little drawers. Here is a picture of it, still in it's package! (eh, um...please pardon the mess & makeshift curtain.)

I purchased mine online
here at Blain's Farm & Fleet. It's made by Akro Mills & is perfect for beads. I'm so proud of it & think I should come up with a name for it ;)
Sunday was a great day. It was the first time this year that I have gone out to sell at the flea market. I'm super excited to report that my Sunday at Treasure City Flea Market, was the best it has ever been. I had the highest sales ever, out there. Here in Texas, I frequently peddle beads in person, as the Texas Bead Gypsy. Sometimes I sell my art when selling beads, but I usually keep that for my online
Etsy shop, AikoArt. I enjoy selling beads & teaching jewelry making in person.
As the Texas Bead Gypsy, I also host jewelry making parties for all ages. Each host determines the location & time. Every class is at least 2-3 hours long, with a minimum of 4 students. Each student pays $25, which includes instructions & materials to make a boutique style necklace, bracelet & earrings. Once they complete their initial jewelry set, they are then eligible to create more necklaces for $10-$15 each, bracelets at $5 each & earrings at $3 each pair. This is a great bargain for those who; love to give unique gifts, want to learn something new or want to venture into selling handmade jewelry.

Gypsy Parties are great for birthdays, bachelorette parties, bridal parties, girl's night out, game nights, sleep overs as well as mom's groups. Color schemes may be customized for bridal parties. Tweens & as well as teenagers can create fun & original jewelry, in whatever size or color they choose.
If you are interested in hosting a Texas Bead Gypsy Party, please email me at saranevill {at!} yahoo dot com.